Today I'm going to weigh-in on: taking time for myself. I once read that intorverts need time alone to recharge, while extroverts need time with people. I'm definitely an introvert! Years ago, when I had a busier social life, I would schedule "time off" so I could just do my own thing. Now, I have plenty of alone time during the week and practically none on the weekends - and it's taking its toll!
I'm trying to find ways to get what I need on the weekends so that I can function at the start of the new week. I have to take care of myself, and this current trend of mine leaves me frustrated and exhausted right off the bat. Perhaps changing my work schedule to half-days on Tuesdays or just setting aside some time for myself - without errands to run - on Mondays. I'll come up with something :)
First, let me congratulate you on starting on your weight loss journey and losing the 3.5 pounds. I'm on the same journey and it seems like I've been on it forever. I hoping September will bring a new inspiration and motivation to get it started once again. I'm an introvert too and I totally get what you mean by needing that alone time. I hope you find some balance.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a kind comment. You're welcome anytime :)
lol. Thanks for the comment. The plan is to move on Friday and Saturday, so your family photo shoot will be a nice break from it! :)
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