Nester is having a link party where people share a room of their house and add up what they spent to decorate it. I actually wondered about this the other day. How much have I spent to make my house all homey? (Oh, ignore the sideways Monet on the shelf above the couch - it doesn't belong there but I was tired of looking at an empty shelf and I don't want people to think that it belongs there - thus being sideways, the mess of decor items on the end table waiting to find a home, and the picnic basket)

couch and loveseat: $750 on Ebay 4 years ago. I hated then for the first day or two. Now, I think they're great. I will need to replace the cushions on the loveseat soon though. You can definitely tell where we prefer to sit. LOL
entertainment center: $100 used. I found this in an online classified ad a year and a half ago. I wanted something black and considered painting it, but I liked how it looked as is. I'm glad I didn't paint it now - it would have been SO visually heavy.
computer armoire: $88 at Walmart 4ish years ago. Love it! I can store everything computer/office related inside and close the doors on it when I'm tired of looking at a computer.
hope chest: I made this sweet (huge) baby in my 9th grade shop class. It cost about $55 in supplies at the time. I was 14, so my parents paid for that, but I included it in the overall cost of the room. It is awesome for storage.
coffee table and end table: $45 and $13 at Ikea, 2 years ago. I like the look and love the price!
wicker chair: $49 at Pier One about 5 years ago. We got it on sale and it lived buried under clothes in Stephanie's room until I sent out a search and rescue team to retrieve it for use in the living room. It occasionally gets buried in clothes here too... the dumping pla

ce for clean laundry before it's folded and put away.
decor: Ok, there's a long list and I won't go into detail on all of it. I almost never pay full price. I watch the ads for Michaels, Joanns, Hobby Lobby, etc. and I make good use of coupons.
Pillows: about $75, which includes the fabric and the pillow forms. I like sewing home decor stuff.
Baskets: $60. That's for the two in the entertainment center, two in the coffee table, and one smaller one for mail (over by the computer stuff).
Ficus: free. My aunt or grandma gave it to my mom and I talked about stealing it all the time. One day she said I could have it. I love it. And I love that I could use something that someone else no longer had a use for.
Birdcage: $20 on clearance at Target like 6 years ago. (not really pictured - it's on the hope chest). This is one of those pieces that can be used anywhere. It's large, but I've used it in my bedroom and under my console table. I like having it out here in the living room.
Other: old books, vases, a globe armillary, an antique phone, a silver candlestick, various frames, and so much more.
I estimated a total of about
$1857 for everything except electronics.
There's still so much to be done in the room. In the corner you didn't see in the photos, I have a console table being used as a desk. The table is getting a makeover this week and I'm so excited to have that done. I've also got a leather parsons chair and a decorative shadowbox frame over there. Perhaps when the table's done I'll share some photos of that. I'm also buying curtains because I'm seriously tired of these renter drapes. Fugly. And I may add a ribbon to the bottom of the lampshade.
I'm also on the lookout for something to put on that shelf above the couch. I'm just not sure what I want there. Any suggestions?