happy day!

My brother and sister-in-law are having a baby... right now! I'm busy watching my niece and three nephews while Steve and Jen are at the hospital. I'm also taking today off work, obviously, so that's a 4.5 day weekend!! WAHOO!!

Mason was born at 4:03 today. He weighs 9lbs, 11oz and is 21" long. Both mom and baby are doing great. Auntie Em is not so much... It was VERY hot today and my brother's air conditioner broke, so I am cranky and exhausted. I just do not tolerate heat well at all! The kids were good, despite their routine being WAY off. They were up early to see Jen and and Steve before they left for the hospital. Two of the kids were pretty stressed about Jen being in the hospital today too.

I don't have any photos yet. I just couldn't find the energy to get the camera out of the bag. Plus, newborns aren't cute. Mason is adorable, but I know to look past the baby acne and the chinless face. Give him a week or two and we'll be able to catch his cute face in a photo. He really seems to favor his brother, Porter, as far as looks go at this point, and Porter is a cutie pie!

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